An Afternoon with Beatrix Potter

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Name: An Afternoon with Beatrix Potter
Date: March 1, 2025
Time: 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM CST
Event Description:
The Dubuque Symphony Orchestra League presents an Afternoon with Beatrix Potter. Enjoy a luncheon and theatrical performance by Debra Ann Miller in her role as Beatrix Potter. Debra returns for the League as a beloved author and botanist. Learn more about her accomplishments and, of course, Peter Rabbit. Enjoy a delicious luncheon at the Dubuque Golf and Country Club, their famous Country French Salad with chicken or without meat for vegetarians. The cost is $40 for and please specify if no meat. Checks or cash to the DSO office, 2728 Asbury Rd., Ste.900, Dubuque 52001. Please join us for a wonderful presentation of an amazing woman. Everyone is welcome. Rabbit. She will perform again at the Dubuque Golf and Country Club. Cost is $40 and reservations will be taken at the DSO office, 563-557-1677. The luncheon will be the famous Country French Salad with chicken, and without chicken for vegetarians. Please specify if your choice when making your reservation. Questions to Marilynne Field We hope you will join us, everyone is welcome.
Dubuque Golf and Country Club
Date/Time Information:
Saturday, March 1st at noon
Contact Information:
questions to Marilynne Field
$40 and a reservation is required. checks to DSOL/Potter, sent to the DSO, 2728 Asbury Road, Ste. 900, Dbq. 52001.
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