Dubuque, IA 52001
(563) 589-4210
  • About

    The Dubuque Shot Tower is located on the riverfront and can be accessed through the Port of Dubuque. Built in 1856 for making lead shot, the tower is 120' tall. The first seven stories (82') are limestone, and the top three stories (38') are brick. A lumber company purchased the Shot Tower in 1881 and used it as a watch tower until it was gutted by fire in 1911. In 2010 the Shot Tower underwent a $600,000 rehabilitation project. It is one of only a few
    remaining historic shot towers in the U.S. and the only one west of the Mississippi River. The tower may be viewed from the outside anytime. Tour information is available by contacting the National Mississippi River Museum and Aquarium at 563.557.9545.

  • Whom to Contact

    • Randy Gehl
      Phone: (563) 589-4210